187 Back Valley Rd
Sneedville, TN 37869
PO Box 255
Sneedville, TN 37869
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
0-1000 gallons: $33.36 + tax
$10.45 per additional 1000 gallon
0-1500 gallons: $54.48 + tax
$10.45 per additional 1000 gallon
0-3500 gallons: $162.39 + tax
$10.45 per additional 1000 gallon
We offer a leak adjustment for all customers.
May only be used one time in a 12 month period.
18.00 Per MCF + Tax ( Million Cubic Foot)
15.00 per MCF (Million Cubic Foot)
If you desire to be a customer of SUD, please stop by the Sneedville Utility District Office to make Application for Service. Each prospective customer requesting water may be required to sign the standard form of application for service or contract before service is permitted, discontinued, or transferred.
This policy, held by the Commission, reflects that there is no discrimination against credit applicants on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, or marital status (providing the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract), because all or part of the applicant’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act.
A Service Charge in the amount of $100.00 shall be made before service of water is supplied to a residential, commercial, or industrial customer.
Sneedville Utility District’s identified employees shall have access to Customer premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, testing, inspection, repairing, removing, or exchanging any or all equipment belonging to SUD. Customer shall be responsible for the protection of SUD’s employees from Customer’s pets and animals.
Bills for water will be rendered monthly and shall be payable on or before the designated due date of bill at the Sneedville Utility District Office. Failure to receive a bill will not release Customer from payment obligation. The bill is due and payable on the billing date which is the 15th of each month. Payments made after the 15th of the month are subject to a late payment charge. The late payment penalty charge will be computed at a rate of 10% of the water bill excluding other charges and sales tax. Should the due date of the bill fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Holiday observed by the United States Postal Service, the next business day following the due date will be held as a date of grace for delivery of payment. Remittances received by mail after the due date are NOT subject to such additional charges id the incoming envelope bears a United States Postal Service date stamp of the due date or any date prior thereto.
Miscellaneous Service Charges will be billed to the Customer for the following reasons:
The Sneedville Utility District was created by Dana H. Bowlin, County Judge, and the Hancock County Commission on September 29, 1951. The District was created under the provision of Chapter 248 of the Tennessee Public Act of 1937.
The original members appointed as commissioners of the newly created Sneedville Utility District were B.L. Satterfield, A.Y. Turner, and J.E. Mills. It was not until February 17, 1978 when the Sneedville Utility District received a Charter from Tennessee Secretary of State, recorded in Miscellaneous Book 13, Pages 3-8 in the Register of Deeds Office of Hancock County, Tennessee.
The utility has grown from 100 customers initially to nearly 1,000 customers today. At the beginning, the water supplied the residents of Sneedville from a spring located on Duck Creek Road southeast of Sneedville, then from a spring on Mill Dam Road due west of Sneedville off Back Valley Road, later years from the Clinch River, now our only water supply comes from the abandoned New Jersey Zinc Mines in the Treadway Community south of Sneedville.
Sneedville Utility District today uses a state of the art satellite system which controls the storage tanks and pumps. This system has reduced water loss through constant monitoring of our overall system.
Our goal is not only to serve the residents of Sneedville, but Hancock residents as well, and with future plans to provide water to Grainger and Hawkins Counties residents…all with quality water at reasonable costs.
The Sneedville Utility District was created by Dana H. Bowlin, County Judge, and the Hancock County Commission on September 29, 1951. The District was granted an official Charter from the Tennessee Secretary of State February 17, 1978.
A small tract of land in the Tenth Civil District of Hancock County was Optioned to Purchase by Sneedville Utility District Board of Commissioners, B.L. Satterfield, Chairman; A.Y. “Sonny” Turner, and J.E. Mills on October 25, 1951 from C.W. Greene and his wife, Martha Greene. The tract of land is fifty (50) feet square, adjoining the highway and surrounding what is know as “Fall Branch Spring”. In consideration of this Option to Purchase, the Sneedville Utility District is to build a trough as a reservoir to hold at least 400 gallons of water, with a guarantee flow of water into the trough of at least 2,500 gallons of water per day. There shall be an installation of a pump of sufficient size to provide flow of over 300 gallons of water per hour to the residence of C.W. Greene and wife Martha Greene. The Sneedville Utility District shall install a 42 inch kitchen sink and cabinet in the kitchen of C.W. Greene and wife Martha Greene residence. Sneedville Utility District shall give employment to C.W. Greene as attendant to the equipment and chlorinated station, and shall pay a salary of $15.00 per month to satisfactorily perform these duties. C.W. Greene and wife Martha Greene is to execute a good and lawful Warranty Deed at a later date to the Sneedville Utility District before commencement of construction of the water works system.
A Warranty Deed was executed by C.W. Greene and wife Martha Greene to Sneedville Utility District May 14, 1952, recorded in Warranty Deed Book 18, Page 247-249, in the Register of Deeds Office of Hancock County, Tennessee, and being MAP 54, Parcel 61.00 in the Property Assessor’s Office of Hancock County, Tennessee.